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September Staff Spotlight - Roddy Dalziel

This month, we shine the spotlight on our dedicated Client Experience Director, Roddy Dalziel! With a career that began in 1996 during the early days of gas and electricity market deregulation, Roddy has seen the energy industry transform. In this article, Roddy shares his advice for newcomers, reflects on the mentors who have shaped his journey, and highlights his proudest achievements at Here’s The Plan. Let’s dive into Roddy's insights and experiences!

➢ How long have you been in the energy industry and what’s one piece of advice you would give to someone new to our industry?

I began my journey in 1996, right at the dawn of gas and electricity market deregulation. Back then, we would receive energy contract proposals in hefty corporate packs sent by mail (as in Royal Mail) —such a different world from today! The most striking change in our industry isn’t just how we communicate but how much more is expected of us. Today, a great consultancy must have deep expertise in procurement, sustainability, and compliance. It’s no longer just about pitting suppliers against one another for the best price—that approach is outdated.

For those entering this industry, my advice is: start by mastering one specific area with absolute excellence. Understand it inside and out. Then, gradually expand your knowledge to see how your expertise weaves into the larger fabric of the industry. It’s that holistic perspective that will set you apart and drive real success.

➢ Do/did you have a mentor, if so tell us about them.

I have several!

In previous years, I had the privilege of working with an “emyth” coach who helped me uncover my core values and motivations—the things that drive me, give me direction, and keep me grounded in tough times. It was an eye-opening experience that shaped both my career and my outlook on life.

I’ve also been incredibly fortunate to have two additional mentors, both of whom have built and sold successful utilities management businesses. I hold experience in the highest regard, so having these individuals—who have “been there and done that”—cheering me on from the sidelines is invaluable.

Mark, Colin, and Jon, you’ve each had a profound and positive impact on my career. Here’s a heartfelt and very public thank you! Your guidance has meant the world to me.

➢ During your time at Here’s The Plan, what achievements are you particularly proud of?

Two things come to mind.

For years, I had a vision to create a flexible contract management service that allows us to trade energy for clients in multiple "clips" instead of locking them into a single transaction. Energy markets are incredibly volatile, and the timing of purchases can have the biggest impact on costs. Managing that risk is at the heart of what we do, and it’s been deeply rewarding to see our flex service grow, especially with a loyal base of large energy users who trust us to navigate this complexity. We have so many exciting ideas to keep developing and refining it, and I’m eager to see how we can push it even further.

Most of the HTP team have as many years ahead of them in their careers as I have behind me in mine. It’s a privilege to guide and encourage the next generation of “utilities contract management enthusiasts”, helping them find their path and passion in this industry. While I do appreciate the quiet focus of working from home, I genuinely look forward to the days when the whole team is in the office, and the energy and banter are in full swing. It’s moments like those that make this work so fulfilling.

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