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A Summer of Sustainable Sport

Summer 2023 was an exciting season of sports, including the FIFA Women’s World Cup, F1 British Grand Prix, and numerous championships. However, these events, while exhilarating, present significant environmental challenges. Do these events consider their environmental impacts, how do they tackle these issues, and what should we as the audience make of it all?

In this blog, we'll explore how these events affect the environment and highlight sustainable achievements that can guide future sporting events in the right direction of a more sustainable future.

In order to provide our readers with some context below is a small pitstop of some key buzzwords and topics within sustainability and what exactly they mean in a wider context.


Environmental Impact:

  1. Carbon Footprint: Major sporting events emit significant carbon due to construction, transportation, and energy use.
  2. Infrastructure: The construction of new stadiums and infrastructure can lead to deforestation, habitat loss, and local ecosystem disruption.
  3. Water Usage: These events require vast amounts of water for various purposes, straining local resources, especially in water-scarce areas.
  4. Waste Generation: Major sporting events generate significant waste, including food containers, plastic bottles, and promotional materials.
  5. Biodiversity: Event venues often disrupt natural areas, harming local wildlife and ecosystems.

Sustainable Achievements:

  1. Carbon Neutrality: Some events commit to carbon neutrality through renewables, energy efficiency, and carbon offsetting via reforestation and renewable projects. The Formula 3 season concluded at Monza, showcasing cars powered by 55% Advanced Sustainable Fuels, alongside Formula 2 vehicles. Formula 1 is scheduled to transition to 100% sustainable fuel in 2026, with Formula 2 and Formula 3 planning to do the same in 2027; this shows us racing events are moving in the right direction.
  2. Eco-Friendly Venues: Green venues with sustainable materials, energy-efficient lighting, and water-saving fixtures set a precedent for future construction. Tottenham Hotspur Stadium hosts many sporting events such as the Premier League. The stadium was constructed in an environmentally conscious manner, incorporating insulation and thermally efficient materials, making it certified as 100% renewable. The stadium features a rainwater collection system that supplies water for restroom operations, which include waterless urinals. LED bulbs are employed for all lighting, and surplus food is reduced through donating leftovers to local food banks following each event.
  3. Public Transport: Organisers promote public transit, carpooling, and bike-sharing to reduce attendee travel emissions. This summer, Sky Sports and Sky Zero encouraged fans to utilise low-carbon transportation options when they travelled to The 151st Open in Liverpool and The Hundred in Manchester and Birmingham. This initiative aimed to address fan travel, which had been the largest contributor to the carbon footprint of sporting events.
  4. Sustainable Food: Offering locally sourced and organic food options reduces catering's carbon footprint and encourages responsible consumption. The Wimbledon Championship show in their pledge to Sustainability to continue to showcase the very best, seasonal ingredients from across the British Isles including plant-based options across all their menus.
  5. Legacy Initiatives: Events aim for lasting positive impacts by repurposing venues for sustainable community use. FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 Sustainability Strategy shows they are supporting all tournament stadiums to achieve Green Star certification in collaboration with the Green Building Council’s in Australia and New Zealand.


Overall things seem to be moving the right way so, as we enjoy the excitement and celebrations of sport, let's also celebrate these strides in preserving the environment for generations to come.

Thank you for reading and see you soon in our next blog.

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