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Paris 2024: A New Era of Sustainable Olympic Games

The Paris 2024 Olympics & Paralympics are not only about showcasing elite athletic performances but also about pioneering sustainability. The organisers set an ambitious goal to make these games the most environmentally friendly in Olympic history, aiming to significantly reduce the event's carbon footprint.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

  • Emission Goals: Paris 2024 planned to limit its carbon emissions to 1.75 million tonnes of CO2, a substantial reduction from the typical 3.5 million tonnes generated by past Summer Olympics.

Maximising Existing and Temporary Venues

  • Efficient Use of Infrastructure: An impressive 95% of the venues for Paris 2024 are either already existing or constructed as temporary structures, greatly minimising the environmental impact associated with new builds.
    • Case in Point: The Stade de France hosted events like track and field and rugby sevens, was built long before the Games and was repurposed for this event.

Commitment to Renewable Energy

  • Green Energy Initiatives: All Olympic venues was powered entirely by renewable energy sources, with a commitment to zero fossil fuel usage.
    • Backup generators utilised biofuel, hydrogen, or battery power instead of traditional diesel.
    • The connection of all venues to the main electricity grid further reduces reliance on less sustainable power options.

Embracing a Circular Economy

  • Prioritising Reuse and Rental: Paris 2024 was focused on sustainability by renting, sharing, and reusing equipment and infrastructure wherever possible.
    • For Example: The Aquatics Centre incorporates solar panels and uses recycled materials in its construction.
    • Additionally, most of the two million pieces of sports equipment are either rented or borrowed from sports federations.

Efforts to Minimise Waste

  • Reducing Single-Use Plastics: The Games have halved the use of single-use plastics in food and beverage services.
  • Sustainable Signage: A remarkable 90% of signage and visual elements are created from recycled or repurposed materials.

Setting a New Standard for Global Events

Paris 2024 set a precedent for future events with its strong focus on sustainability. By significantly lowering emissions, reusing resources, and relying on renewable energy, these Olympics are proving that large-scale events can be both inspiring and environmentally responsible.


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