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July Staff Spotlight - Rowan Charity

This month, we shine the spotlight on Rowan Charity, our dynamic Marketing & Account Manager! With over 2.5 years in the energy industry, Rowan has expertly navigated the market's volatility since joining Here's The Plan in January 2022. Managing a diverse portfolio from hotels to zoos, Rowan’s adaptability and dedication drive our mission of delivering exceptional client service and innovative solutions.

➢ How long have you been in the energy industry and what’s one piece of advice you would give to someone new to our industry?

I've been in the energy industry for just over two and half years, having started with Here's The Plan in January 2022. Transitioning from the Hairdressing & Beauty industry, I joined right as the energy crisis was intensifying, which meant I had to quickly adapt and learn about the volatile energy market. My advice for anyone new to the industry is to give it time. Even after over two and a half years, I still find myself learning new things every week. The energy sector is dynamic and ever-changing, so patience and a willingness to continuously learn are key.

➢ What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve ever received is, "It's only embarrassing if you think it's embarrassing." This wisdom has been invaluable, particularly in handling difficult conversations. Whether it’s slipping up while speaking or being unsure of the correct answer, this mindset has helped me navigate and learn from these situations without feeling self-conscious. It’s a reminder that confidence and perspective can turn potentially awkward moments into opportunities for growth.

➢ What’s one activity you complete on behalf of clients that would surprise people of its difficulty?

One activity I complete on behalf of clients that would surprise people with its difficulty is meter upgrades. Not every meter is the same, and not every project requires the same outcome. I've learned that this can be a time-consuming process involving extensive communication with suppliers and waiting for updates. It's important to reassure clients during these times with updates and manage their expectations, which may not always go as planned. The complexity and unpredictability involved make meter upgrades more challenging than most people would expect.

➢ Tell us about your portfolio, what industries do you work with, what type of supplies do you manage?

My portfolio is quite versatile, encompassing a wide range of industries such as hotels, golf clubs, a zoo, and an aquarium! It's fascinating to collaborate with such diverse sectors, as each one has its unique set of requirements and challenges. This diversity also makes site visits particularly interesting, offering a glimpse into the operational needs of each industry. The supplies I manage vary from electricity, gas, water and waste, ensuring that my work is always dynamic and engaging.

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